Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Today has been a dreadful day.
First lesson: Had a test, failed so bad.
Second lesson: Sports Leadership - got screamed at for being late.
Third lesson: Need to catch up on so much work.
Lunch: Missed lunch to catch up on work.
Fourth lesson: Got told that I have to take part in the senior maths challenge.
Last period: Free.
During this free, I was informed of such an awful story. Some people in my year group at school went rambling for PE in their 4th period. This happened to be at a local park near the school. As they were rambling/walking, one girl saw a pair of legs hanging from the tree. The trousers were camouflaged with the tree. She must have gone gone over and realised that it was a person who had hung himself. They screamed and cried. Apparently, even the teacher cried. A couple walked past, realised and checked it was a man then called the police. Many other people realised, but walked on as if nothing had happened. I was so shocked when I heard this. I'm still a bit shaky now, but I guess there may come a point in some people's lives when they just can't keep on going. In a way, I do think that he had the right to do this but not in a public place, not in a children's playground. I thought I'd share this story here.

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