Friday, 13 January 2012

Let's play a game.

Becca tagged me in one of her latest posts and the aim of the game is to answer the questions if you are tagged! So here are my answers to her:

1.       Nicknames?
      Okay, I've have many nicknames over the years... here are a few: Wendells, Wenzoid, Wendyzoid, Zow, 'Wendilla(vanilla)'... no idea where my friend got the last one from but I'm so thankful that she just calls me Wendy now xP

2.       Favourite subject?
      Favourite subject would be English/Chemistry/Photography. English because my teacher is the most loveliest guy in the whole wide world! He is suchhhhh a babe! I love Chemistry because my Chemistry teacher is like the best teacher in the school and she is SO nice ^-^ hehee, she loves me as well so that's always a good thing. Hmm I used to love Photography till yesterday. I have had 2 days of 5 hour long Photography mocks and I was SO BORED! Just kill me now LOL! I finished like 2 hours early so my friend, Hannah, and I decided to play games on the laptops... we played this game: (click here). It's actually SUCH a fun game xP

3.       Favourite drink?
      Bubble tea? But it tastes sickly after a while. Hmm coffee/mocha etc:) STARBUCKS FTW!

4.       Favourite band/artist?
      I currently like many bands and artists and I just can't pick so I'll link you a song that is very... close to heart. A really close friend (well, not anymore, but still) sent it to me and I listened to it loads. It's not my favourite song or anything but I do like it! Check it out! Here it is:

5.       What would you name your kids?
      I have a list of girl names and boy names I've thought of. I want 2 girls and 1 boy though but I've chosen a lot extra in case I suddenly hate a few of the names or something: Jessica Rose, Lily Mei, Juliet, Faye and Sophie for girls. Dylan, Ian, Aaron, Alex and Charlie for boys. I have a few problems though, loads of people hate the name Jessica, Juliet, Faye, Alex and Charlie. :( OMG, I found a song about my (Chinese) name on youtube! WOOO! Like OMDAIZ!

6.       Any pets?
      No pets. I really want a dog though.

7.       Favourite colour?
      That's got to be pink and black.

8.       Favourite movie?
      P.S. I love you or The Notebook. I'm not sure, they're both absolutely amazing.
9.       Favourite year of life?
      2010 for definite. I met some of the most amazing people. Although there were many downs as well as ups (and when I say 'many', I mean like truckloads), I think that the downs were definitely worth it because there were so many ups to count. I mean, like, Summer camp - an experience of a lifetime and I have genuinely made so many friends that I hope will stick with me for a long, long time. I want to thank everyone who made my year such an amazing year in 2010.

10.   Favourite quote?
      Marilyn Monroe is like my idol. Her quotes are definitely a winner - here's my favourite two:
      "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." -Marilyn Monroe

      "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." -Marilyn Monroe

      I used to write loads of my own quotes but they're so cringy and you really don't want to read them xP

11.   What type of phone do you have?
     My beloved Nokia smartphone! <3 I am hoping to get an iPhone when my contract runs out, hehe!^-^

12.   How tall are you?
      Ahahahaa, is this necessary to answer? I'm short. Very short. I'm like 5ft3? Maybe 5ft4 now though. But can I just say, Cheryl Cole is like 5ft3 or something and Lady Gaga is 5ft1? I'm not sure but they're SOOOOO damn short. That makes me feel SO much better.
      Anyways, as this is the game where you tag people and Becca has already tagged 2 of my other friends, I will tag 3 of my most recent friends that have started blogging:
     WOOOO! Check their blogs out, I will make sure they do this thing ;D Even if I haven't tagged you, feel free to do it! I'd love to read it!
I'll post my 15 day challenge post in a bit ^-^
Thanks for reading!!!! <3

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