Today I came across a very interesting object. My mum happened to come home with this...
Now as you can probably imagine, I found this 'real cool'. If you can't tell already, it's a plastic apple cutter which cores and cuts the apples to make them very practical to eat. This made me curious of what other inventions there were in the world that nobody knows about. WHY WAS THIS INCREDIBLE OBJECT NOT KNOWN TO ME?
Here are a few other inventions I found rather cool.
This allows one to pour a drink into two cups at once. That could save a whole 10 seconds!
This one is genius. I always get frustrated at the awful design of toothpaste bottles. This has got to be the way to go. Colgate, take a hint.
This one made me smile. They're so called 'fruit shaped juice cartons'. How cute, heh?
A butter stick. Some may mistake this one for glue though. That would be kinda awkward.
I personally cannot cut in a straight line to save my life! This is perfect for me, and I'm sure the majority of the strange people in the world
This is so pretty! CUTE.
Best storage place. #NGL
So that it. My life is pretty sad, I know. You gotta admit, they are pretty darn cool. I would love to find more really weird stuff like these. People these days, absolute geniuses.
Well lads, til next time.
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