Friday 30 March 2012

Time passes so slow.

It's the first day of my Easter holidays.

Summary Wednesday and Thursday:
I went to sleep at 3.30am on Wednesday night to finish all my coursework and revise for my last IT test to complete the ECDL course. I woke up early on Thursday morning and I got ready for school still not very prepared for my Database test and still needing to print of my 42 paged coursework due in first lesson. The feeling of holding the pile of paper was heavenly. It felt SO good handing in months worth of work. For 3rd and 4th period we had PE, and since it was a school dress up day (Heroes and Villains theme) we just played bench ball ^-^ Yayayay! After this, it was time for end of school and start of IT test. The supervisor took AGES to turn up, but after an hour of 'in-the-middle-of-the-night-revision' I passed!

As it was after school already, my friends were planning to meet me in town after I finished my test. As soon as I left school, I called up a friend asking where they were at... they were at a park on the other side of town =.='' so I trekked ALL THE BLOODY WAY TO CASSIO just to see them. I am such a good friend. By 2.30, I was practically falling asleep in the sun so I made the decision to leave at 2.45. My train came at 3.05 so technically I could have stayed a lot longer, but y'know... Soz. By the time I got home, I was SHATTERED and I was already missing a friend of mine a lot so I went to bed at 8 ^-^. Good times.

This morning, I woke at 6.45 expecting to go to school. Remembering that I don't have school, I went back to sleep then woke up at 11. So far today I have caught up on all the Photography exam prep I need to, and I'm working on a German iGCSE past paper. Time is going SO slow, it's unbelievable.

Does anyone know where I can get OCR English Language GCSE past papers from? (Not the aeroplane or elephant ones, because I've done them already.)

owfngw;oeJFA\NOW''GPwjgNWNG'NEB. Sleep.

Eeeeeeek. I hate it when people abandon me for 18 days in UK all by myself during Easter, because they're going on holiday =.=''.  I dislike you, you had better apologise. Have fun laa, miss you loads. ^-^


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