Wednesday 4 April 2012


Bare love for my 'uncle' who fixed my laptop internet in 2 minutes. (Y)
I can FINALLY blog again. I'm well happs.

Okayokayokay. Let's talk about food.
Last night my 'uncle' came home from a football match (Barcelona + AC Milan... those words don't mean anything to me) and my mother was out, so I said hi. The first thing I hear is 'Do you prefer Chinese food or Indian food?' (obviously spoken in Chinese) I had never thought about eating Indian food before. Infact, I don't think I have ever gone out to eat Indian food. O.o This startled me a little. The rest of the conversation is as follows:
W: Well, erm, I've never tried Indian food.
U: Oh cool.
W: Er yeah...
That concludes that I know very strange people. Yeahkthnxbye. Lol jk. I'm going to have Indian food tonight.

It seems to surprise many people that I have never had Nando's before. I should do that one day. Everyone's like 'OMDAIZ O.O I'm taking you to Nando's' ... and it never happens. Lol. Food is really not my thing, I have nothing to say about it. Lol. Anyone up for Nando's? Lol jk, I probably don't know half the people reading this.


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