Okay, so I still don't like the layout of blogger.
I have been meaning to blog for a while, but I just never had any time. I lied, I haven't even thought about it til today. The whole idea had been forgotten til I needed some help with a piece of biology homework and found a blog which will hopefully be of some use.
So, what has been going on lately?
Here is a list of a few things that sums up my life in the last couple of months:
1. AS Levels
2. Parents Evening
3. Predicted Grades
4. Homework
5. Food
6. Piano
7. Lectures
8. Breaking Dawn
9. Ice Skating
10. Sleep
... I know, very boring indeed.
So far, AS is quite stressful and challenging but I'm enjoying it. The subjects I take are Maths, Economics, Biology, Photography and Mandarin Chinese. It's a wide range of different subjects but I think that it's better to keep my options open to anything. Parent's evening wasn't long ago. I dreaded it, no joke. I expected being shouted at by my biology teacher for the E grade I had acquired in my last test. I am so, so grateful she was civil. I was slightly disappointed with my photography feedback, as I feel I work quite hard for it and I've achieved well. I know my teachers like me, so I was rather irritated when my teachers listed out the things I need to improve on in my book and didn't give me much substantial feedback. My maths and economics went extremely well though.
Recently, our teachers have given us our ALIS grades and our predicted grades. These are predicted grades formulated by Durham University from our GCSE achievements. My GCSEs were disappointing, so these did not bother me much. My ALIS predicted me 3Bs and an A. My predicted grades, however, predicted me 3As and a B. I deserve that B. It was in biology! Aha!
My evenings have been occupated with science lectures at UCL (University College of London), piano lessons which I have started again and a LOT of homework and revision. The lectures are interesting, despite the fact that I never want to go into a science field. There were some really interesting ones like the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. As a young child, I gave up piano and refused to take any grades. Midway through October, I began lessons again to try and get to a decent grade which will give me a few extra UCAS points for university applications. So far, I'm on grade 3 but it's only been a few weeks and I hope to take my grade 5 in June. ^-^
Yesterday, my friend and I went to watch Breaking Dawn Part 2. It was actually pretty decent. I'm rather concerned that it is only rated 12A... it is definitely inappropriate for such young children. Someone told me that Alice's dream becomes true, unlike the book, and I got really excited. They had obviously not watched the movie. =.=' DISAPPOINTMENT.
Tomorrow I have plans to go ice skating with a friend. I love it so much, I wish I could just have a rink in my back garden, that would be nice. Last time I went, there was an old man who kept coming up to me and asking me weird questions. I was SO SCARED, so I didn't go beyond 5 metres of my friend! Another skater looked so much like a really socially awkward maths teacher at my school. He was really good and he taught me different tricks and stuff which was really sweet. ^-^ I am so excited for tomorrow! As a child, I had dreams to become a professional figure skater. ahahahaa. I'm not awful, but I have a lot to work on and learn. Different tricks I can do include cross-overs, skating backwards, the grapevine and a few others. That's really quite limited, sad right? Either way, if you have never been skating - YOU MUST GO! It's absolutely brilliant.
This is enough procrastinating for the day. I have a biology write up to complete. Ew.