Sunday, 8 January 2012

15 Day Challenges: Day 2

Let me start this post off by giving brownie points to David for doing the 15 day challenge with me! Here's his site if you're interested ^-^:
To everyone reading this, feel free to do the challenges as well, they are really fun and personally, I'd love to read them. Also, follow David. His blogs are really funny ^-^

Supreme Slacker's Never Challenge (I'm going to shorten this to SSN Challenge because it's SUCH a drag writing it out every day...):
2) Something you would never do, no matter what. Hmm, I would never eat my toenails O.O I heard about people doing that on Capital Breakfast Show around a week ago and I thought 'Jeez, people actually do that? EWWWW!' So now I have a phobia of feet... feetaphobia is what I like to call it (actually I just made that up)... XD I find it absolutely REPULSIVE (I have changed the colour of that word into a murky orange because I dislike orange and I dislike feet). Imagine some person you see every day at school and they seem all normal and then you happen to have a sleepover with them and you wake up in the middle of the night to hear crunching and nomming. You open your eyes and there's your friend and her/his mum sitting there together gnawing at their own feet. EWW. Eugh. Enough of that, I feel sick already.

15 Day Life Challenge: 
2) Most recent person I started following on twitter and why. Well I don't particularly use twitter that much, but I can recall the most recent person I started following was my maths class when we were doing a '24 hour maths lesson challenge' for charity. We got over £5600 quid... imagine that in your back pocket! But in reality, we gave it to Great Ormond Street Hospital. We were encouraged to tell everyone we knew about this CRAZEE (I know how to spell crazy... the double 'e' was for effect...) idea from the immensely cool mind my CRAZEE maths teacher. (That made no sense at all but hey-ho). 

In my years, I've used all sorts of CRAZEE (okay this is getting a little OTT now) websites such as the well known Twitter, Formspring, Myspace, Tumblr, Bebo, Lookbook, Youtube, Facebook... oh yeah, and 'fanfiction'. Jeez, those were not good times. Let me give you a little bit of an insight into my weird childhood. 

The first thing I got was probably Bebo. I used it for a week and thought 'This is some weird sh*t... I ain't doing this no more init' (with my chavtalk...) Next, I moved onto Myspace... well that lasted like a day. =.='' After that came Facebook which I currently use... it's like SO last year. Man, I wish I never signed up for cr*p like that. It's like 'Oh, I'm going to take up all your useful time and make you sit in front of a computer and do nothing. I'm so hard like dat and when you delete me, I'll still be here. In yo face' and it's depressing. That is the main reason I will fail my GCSEs, you see. Next came Lookbook and it seemed quite cool tbh. I still like to surf around on it at times because damn those people have good fashion. But occasionally, you see a 50yr old man trying to look like a teenage girl. WHAT A SIGHT! Formspring: A place where people can anonymously abuse you. Good times, eh? YouTube - AHHHH, everyone's obsession. It's useful and I like it but I don't use it much. I think my iPod provides a better source of music in all honesty. Twitter came sometime in between of all these and it's just a website for stalkers... Paha, 'cause I'm not a stalker or anything... ;) Watch out guys! Tumblr is a nice site, very addictive though. I mean, it's not really saying what you want to say... it's 'reblogging' something you vaguely relate to that somebody else says.

Okay so 'fanfiction' deserves it's own paragraph. When I was 13, I did the most cringiest (that's not a word) thing possible. I decided that after reading a series of novels, I'd like to write the next one in the series and I'd like to get feedback from it so I wrote around 5000 words per chapter and I wrote 5 chapters altogether (it was unfinished) then the real book came out however in my opinion, mine was SO much better. ;) Angela, agree with me!;D So yeah, I stopped reading the series because it was a load of cow pat and I stopped writing because well, I just couldn't be bothered. I did get quite a handful of reviews though, can I just say;D! Somewhere in the middle of writing that, I decided to start my own novel, but wow my grammar was sh*t... it still is. In all honesty, I think it was pretty good for a Chinese illiterate 13 year old that failed in English.  I only wrote one chapter for that but I'm pretty sure there was a grammar mistake in every single sentence... PAHA! Some of you may be thinking 'Where is it? I want to make fun of you!'... Well too bad guys, I'm not telling you! Angela made me tell her yesterday so I guess she's the only one that can read it. She promised that she would never tell or show anyone else though, so it's all cool;D! Angela, if you're reading this you had better keep to your word, if you don't I will slap your face. 

My friend David, as mentioned above, asked me why he must write a blog and I told him that in years to come, he will think of this and search it up. Then, he will laugh at himself for what he had done etc.. Yesterday, I also remembered to Google search my novels... Oh I laughed at myself, alright. I'm actually secretly glad I did it, because I can look back and think 'Why was I such a weird child?' (but shh, it's a secret so don't tell anybody!;D)

Okay, time for me to finish reading my own partially finished novel, I shall blog tomorrow... I hope. xD

See you!


PS. My apologies for my awful use of English grammar, sorry. Oh, and severe use of punctuation. Much love!


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