Sunday, 15 January 2012

15 Day Challenges: Day 9

Thanks for all the views yesterday ^-^ my all time high! Yay! Now, you might remember that I promised you a youtube video of me dancing if I got 500 views this month... I am currently on 419 views so far this month and it's not even halfway through the month yet!:O Well if I get enough views, I should be able to upload it on here tomorrow;) I'm not gonna tell you which one is me though... All I can say is that Vicki and Mary (if you're reading this), Katy and Sarah W will be in the video too along with a load of littluns ;) Woo! Also, my friend is bullying me because I have less views than him, depressing much!!? xP LOL! I will aim to get to 1500 views before he does xP He doesn't know that yet though xP 

SSN Challenge timeee! (did anyone watch the 'sausage o'clock' on harry hills last night?! So hilarious:')! Also, I am officially going to watch Take Me Out every week now xP)
9) A piece of advice you will never forget. 'Be yourself and people will love you for that.' I think it's really important to be yourself because there's no point pretending you're someone else so that someone will like you more. I admit, I do act differently around different people but not so that they'd like me more, it's just that some people treat me differently to others therefore my reactions to those are different. I think it's so stupid acting like someone else because at the end of the day, you don't have to prove yourself to anyone but yourself. Don't be ashamed of who you are because you're probably perfect just the way you are. Around 3 years ago, someone asked me a question 'Who are you?' and I replied 'I am Wendy...:S' and they said 'That's your name, who are you?', I replied 'I am a 12 year old girl' and they said 'That's your age and your gender, who are you?'. I answered with so many random things about me but all these questions were classified as wrong. I then pondered about it and thought 'I am me. Everything we do, everything we say and everything we think determines who we are and what we are.  Without it, we'd be nothing. I am everything but at the same time, I am absolutely nothing.' ^-^ If we do things differently, say things differently or even think things differently just to prove ourselves to other people, we'll be nothing and we just wouldn't be us. Be proud of who you are. Lol, deep much? xP

15 Day Life Challenge:
9) Something I have learnt about myself recently. I have learnt many things about myself but it's a gradual thing. I've learnt that I care a lot about how others see me. I used to think 'I don't care what you think about me because it's just your opinion, I know that I'm better than that and you're not going to upset me over that because I don't give a sh*t about you.' But I realised that I was just being a stupid little girl and although I'd love to think that and I wish I could have such a strong personality and not be intimidated by others, I know that it still hurts me a lot. I don't mind my friends criticizing me because I know they're doing it for me and I don't mind people I hate criticizing me because well, I genuinely don't care but it's those nice people that usually really sweet but are really horrible to me that I can't stand. I also learnt a couple of years ago that as a child, I used to play with a friend and we used to hit each other with his lightsabers in his garden xP good times! Something random about me was that I was a psychic child. Every single thing I said came true when I was like 4/5 years old and didn't understand anything! At 4/5 years old, I walked up to my mum and was like 'Where are you going?' in the morning and she goes 'I'm going to work' and apparently I randomly told her not to go because she didn't have to... she got there and she didn't have work that day xP My mum always jokes about how she should have used me to win the lottery back then!:') I was a pretty cool child! My friend, David, woke up thinking of a song the other day and then he went on my blog and it was one of the 8 songs I have playing on this blog! He thinks he's psychic now ;) LOL!

Lots and lots of love to Nathan for helping me install the music script thing ^-^ YAY!

Also, some of you may have seen this, but on my blog you can have threads of comments after one comment. I have also changed the settings so that anyone can comment! So to all you anonymous readers, please feel free to comment now ^-^ teehees!  One more thing, below each post there is a list of posts you may like to check out!

Once again I thank you for reading ^-^ it makes me really happy ^-^! Have a nice day day :)! <3 Tomorrow's post will be on something I have never managed to learn and the last trip I went on with a highlight ^-^! Feel free to do these challenges with me, they're SO much fun! Go onto my 'Supreme Slacker's Never Challenge vs The 15 Day Life Challenge' post to find the list of challenges you need to complete! I am tempted to do a '101 things to do before you die' post after I finish these challenges... post any suggestions or views on this in the comment box below! I'd love to hear your views:) Thanks!

P.S. I don't know why today's blog was so deep. :S


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