Friday 6 April 2012

Dedication to Becca Wang. ^-^

Becca recently tagged me in a Chinese Stereotypes Tag game. You can see hers here.
Okay, here goes...

Do you get straight As at school?
I'd like to think I do, but in reality my grades range from A* to B. With Chinese parents most children tend to do quite well in school, but my parents don't really check whether I actually do my homework, coursework or revision e.g. my mother thinks that I have been revising for the whole Easter holidays for my GCSEs; in actual fact I've been playing Solitaire on my iPod the WHOLE time. I'd consider myself one of those students that really don't put any effort into school and is just plain lazy. I ALWAYS leave revision to the 5 minutes before each exam. This isn't great for me, but my grades could be worse I guess... From now on, I aim to do a lot of revision every day like a good Chinese student. ^-^

What part of China are you from?
This is rather complicated. My father is from Sichuan (the place full of spicy food). My mother is from Anhui (the place full of sunflower seeds). I was born in Anhui (even though my parents lived in Beijing), but a few weeks after birth we went back to Beijing and lived there till I was 4 years old. After this we moved to UK. Technically (if I am right), I should be from Sichuan because that's my dad's home town but I really don't have anything much to do with the place. I've visited a maximum of once in my whole life. I'd like to consider myself a Beijinger (I know that's not a word), because Beijing is a really nice place. Currently I have several apartments in Suzhou (near Shanghai), but I don't actually live there. LOL.

Do you fit into the Chinese stereotype?
- I am not very clever.
- Although I know a little about music, I never sat down and learnt an instrument for more than 2 months or something. I always lost interest after a few weeks or I had lessons in China during summer holidays and couldn't carry on as I had to leave. I'd like to learn music, but I don't have enough patience.
- I have no interest whatsoever in K-pop, J-pop and so on. The only Chinese music I listen to is one or two songs on my iPod, what my 'sister' listens on speaker in my bedroom or whatever is on TV in China.
- I do not eat much meat, therefore I would never go anywhere near dog or anything of the sort.
- I don't wear glasses.
- I don't sell DVDs.
- I don't gamble.
- Nobody in my family works/owns a (Chinese) restaurant.
- I don't want to be a doctor.
- I don't know self defence, martial arts, karate, kung fu, tai kwon do etc.
- I don't know how to play Mahjong.

- I am very short.
- I enjoy maths.
- I own a green buddha necklace... not quite sure where it is though.
- I CAN be shy and quiet.
- I've never gotten into trouble with the police.
- I use chopsticks.

Rice or Chao Mein?
Noodles, defo. Shanghai and Suzhou noodles are immense.

Does your future partner have to be Chinese too?
No, they don't. A while ago, my mother told me that I could either marry a white or Chinese man. LOL. Personally I'd prefer Chinese though.

Do you speak Chinese? Say something.
I speak fluent everyday Chinese (with a few grammar mistakes), but I don't understand '成语' (idioms). Chinese people enjoy speaking complicated Chinese. I also cannot write very well. I can't read more that 500 characters.

好无聊啊! 真没有意思。你还要我说什么?

Okay. Let's tag all the Chinese people on blogger.
- Natalie
- Nicole
- David
- Vicki
- Zi
- Angela
- Zun
- Andy
- David
- Victor
- Anyone else that wants to do this tag!

(I've missed out a few people, but I don't think any of you use Blogspot anymore)


  1. yayy:) teheh this was awesome wendy! And I have to agree with you with I don't know how to play Majong or big two or anything XD

    1. We really should learn how to play though. I know how to play speed ^-^ LOL! Big two was fun on camp.


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