Wednesday 4 April 2012


I have a history of names. That makes me sound like some retard on the run, LOL.

When I was born my parents named me 'Wanjun'/'婉君'. This name was chosen because my mother fell in love with some Chinese TV drama and the main character had that name. 

The story had something to do with her parents dying and her being some shy, behaving, little girl. As a child, I was ALWAYS a 'shy, behaving, little girl'... this scared the cr*p out of my mother and she thought 'I don't want my daughter having a life like that girl on TV!'. Don't comment, I know my mother is a little... weird. At this time, I was bullied quite a bit in primary school for my unusual name. Mummy changed my Chinese name to 'Weishan' or '伟杉'. It's actually a male name, but y'know... Lol. If my Chinese name was no longer ' 婉君', there wasn't much point in my UK friends still calling me 'Wanjun' so my parents decided that it would become 'Wendy' (because my mother liked Peter Pan). That's how we arrived at my current name. On my passport, it's still 'Wanjun'. Lol. I liked the name '婉君' :( it's such a pretty name.

What an interesting story, heh? Nah jk. But on a serious note... if any of you horrible people start calling me Weishan or Wanjun, I will slap your face.

Much love. xoxo


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