Sunday 5 February 2012


Alright... so I didn't post Friday and that was purely because I was lazy and didn't want to. XP All I can remember is that it was an awful day. Yesterday was absolutely amazing though.

Let's talk about yesterday. Yesterday was an interesting day. I woke up really early and went shopping with some friend/sister person ^-^. I was a lovely, lovely person and ditched her when she was in the queue to meet up with one of my friends. We walked around for a little doing like nothing planning on climbing up a load of stairs all the way to the top floor of a shopping centre but halfway up, my other friend text messaged me telling me that he had also arrived. Can I just mention how late my first friend was?xD Pooface. We kinda sat in Starbucks and jammed for a while then walked in every direction. (Note to self: Never go to Harrow if I'm looking for something to do... there's nothing there.) At half 5, my first friend left to eat hotpot but it turned out that he could have actually stayed till 6... which was annoying. At 6, I had to leave for a dinner party elsewhere for my friend's birthday so we said our goodbyes and left. My friends decided to tell me that it would take an hour from Harrow to my friend's house... it took 40 minutes and I was 20 minutes early. Keenbean much? I helped with the decorations and when everyone arrived, we sat down to eat the 3 course meal. Omg it was heavenly. The food looked beautiful, smelt beautiful and tasted like God on a plate. By this time, it was snowing SO much and well, I couldn't get home. I stayed the night then left this morning. It took me 2 whole hours to get home. O.O But I'm home now so it's all fine ^-^ Did I mention how hard it is to walk in 4 inches of snow in heels or how cold it is to be wearing a dress whilst walking through the 4 inches of snow? Let's just hope that we don't have school tomorrow because I swear I will actually cry if we do. I'm SO exhausted. Hmm at least I've got my outfit for a party next Saturday ready ^-^ Yayayayayayayyayayay!

I really gotta get going with these challenges, haven't I?
The last memory I want to be reminiscing: Just being with friends and family ^-^
Last person I want to say sorry to: My ex-boyfriend because well, yeah.
Last message to enemies and friends: I'll miss you? xD
I should just give up with these challenges?:') LOLOLOL.

I have a physics ISA prep lesson tomorrow and my ISA on Wednesday (I think)... I just want to sleep.


P.S. I really want to stop blogging. o.O As much as I love you all, I really CBA, LOL!


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